Inorganic Resonators

An ongoing collaboration with product designer Jón Helgi Hólmgeirsson. focused on developing and building innovative, directional acoustic speakers from Icelandic materials.

For me, the main motivation for this project is to create unique acoustic bodies that are both visually appealing and add color to the sound. It is an attempt to make the sounds tangible. These speakers are unconventional in the sense they do not have a speaker cone like normally, but instead the electromagnet inside them that produces the sound waves is shaking the entire body. Audio vibrations are very easily felt by touching the speakers.

The shape of the speakers affects how sound is projected into the surroundings, which shapes the sound and gives it an acoustic feel. The resonators are mainly intended for musicians to use when recording or performing live. The resonators come in various shapes, which are inspired by wave patterns. The first batch of resonators were showcased at DesignMarch 2024.

The project is an ongoing collaboration with Icelandic startup Inorganic Audio which creates audio software for creative musicians. The project is supported by Iceland Design Fund.